It is one of the best investment options currently available, an excellent place for relaxation at any time of the year, without the need for long foreign trips, and an attractive option for short-term rental investment.

As research center reports indicate, affluent Poles, motivated by the desire to invest savings in assets of lasting value that will preserve the value of their money over time, are increasingly turning to premium real estate. Some do so with the idea of owning their second home in an attractive tourist destination, while others aim to earn rental income

Both groups must answer the question of how to choose a truly luxurious property that will provide the buyer with the highest satisfaction

It is worth remembering that real estate is a very safe form of investment compared to other financial instruments, with marginal risk of value decrease. These are not abstract accounting entries as with stocks or shares in investment funds. It is a tangible asset that can serve as collateral for financial obligations (loans, mortgages), a dowry for children or grandchildren starting their independent lives, and in the case of rental, a source of additional income or supplement to retirement

According to the annual KPMG report ‘Luxury Goods Market in Poland,’ assessing the past year, luxury real estate is one of the best and most popular forms of capital investment. The report’s authors confirm that Poles associate luxury in real estate much more with attractive location than with price.

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